On behalf of the Brookings County Child Protection Team, I
asked about writing this blog to normalize some of the symptoms associated with
this adjustment. Symptoms such as stress, big feelings, grief associated with
changes are normal. Part of building resiliency through moments of adversity is
acknowledging it is normal to struggle through the adversity, through the
adjustment. Acknowledging you are not failing, you are not “over-reacting,” and
you are not a bad person for feeling how you feel about this current COVID-19
The Brookings County Child Protection Team is a group of multiple community stakeholders that work together to support strong and thriving individuals and families in the Brookings area to prevent child abuse. April is child abuse prevention month. One in two individuals experiences a type of childhood adversity, and one in four individuals experiences more than one type of childhood adversity. COVID-19 and the major adjustments it brings are a type of ‘adversity’ we are all faced with today.
During this time with COVID-19, it is normal to need extra support due to normal responses to such a large life altering experience. You can find local area resources through the Brookings Mental Health Resource Guide with 211. Call 211 or go to the website: helplinecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/HLCRD-Brookings-Area-Mental-Health-Guide.pdf
Please learn about this month’s CAPM activities that are being offered for free by going to The Brookings Area United Way website and clicking on their “Community Calendar” tab brookingsunitedway.org/get-involved/#calendar or follow “Brookings County Child Protection Team” on Facebook for events and resources.
The Brookings County Child Protection Team wants Brookings area parents and guardians to know that we are here for you.
Nikki Eining CSW-PIP, QMHP
Co-Chair of Brookings County Child Protection Team
Outpatient Mental Health Therapist – Avera Brookings Behavioral Health
Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains, Inc.
1126 Southland Lane
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-3333
Every day people turn to 211 for information and support – whether financial, family, health, or disaster-related.
Click here to find out more about United Way and 211.
Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and provider.