Each March at the Clubs we ask our youth to help us and share their thoughts about the Club and their Club experience. For the teens as well, we ask questions about at-risk activities and other behaviors they may be participating and engaging in. With the results of that feedback, the Club is able to help make goals and decisions about the best way to serve our kids and create a positive youth experience. One area we have chosen to focus on in 2018 is the overall Club experience of our members, specifically focusing on program development and creating more of a sense of belonging, respect and community that we want youth at the Club to experience.
In 2018 our Boys & Girls Clubs will be partnering with the Weikart Center, Center for Youth Program Quality (YPQI) to better prepare our teachers and team to deliver high level program quality and youth development Club experience that will impact our Club members in a way that assists them in becoming productive, responsible and caring citizens. The YPQI model is an evidence-based continuous improvement process. Studies and evidence has demonstrated that implementation of the four YPQI practices – standardized assessment of instruction, planning for improvement, coaching from a site manager and training for specific instructional methods- improves the quality of instruction available to youth. It has also demonstrated a cascade of positive effects.
The Club will be utilizing our Friday, all day training dates, to maximize this training and instruction. We are excited at the Club to continue to offer our Club members and families the highest quality youth development experience. Want to learn more about YPQI? Click here - http://cypq.org/products_and_services/research
Vanessa Merhib, Executive Director
Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Plains, Inc.
1126 Southland Lane
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-3333
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